Sunday, March 9, 2014

Declutter and Plank Challenge Days 13, 14, & 15

Well the weekend kept me quite busy (from doing household chores to running errands to watching movies with Branden to running in the beautiful weather) so I got too lazy to post. However, I wasn't too busy to continue doing my challenges! Here are the activities from the last 3 challenge days:


Item(s): On day 13 I found a basic t-shirt, day 14 I found a long sleeve exercise sweater/shirt, and day 15 I found a little red sweater/cardigan.
Why I'm getting rid of them: I found that I don't really like the basic t-shirt anymore because the sleeves always roll up (even though I love the pattern on the shirt). The workout sweater doesn't fit me quite how I like it to because it's kind of tight when I wear a shirt under it (which I almost always do). Finally, the little red sweater/cardigan doesn't really match anything I wear and it doesn't even really fit me right.
Where is it going: Donation pile!


You can see Bandit doing a reverse plank next to me :-)

How I felt: Friday I was really tired when I did my plank but I fought through the pain and was able to make it to the full minute and 30 seconds. Unfortunately I was unable to take a picture because I didn't have my phone with me but I hope you believe I still did it :-). On Saturday I took a rest day (per the calendar) but made sure I was still active! Today I really struggled with the 2 minute plank. I wasn't able to make it the full 2 minutes before I switched to my knees but I did make it pretty darn close. I think I switched with about 15 seconds left.
Goal for tomorrow: Really push and make it the entire 2 minutes of plank. If I don't make it try again until I max out.

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