Monday, March 10, 2014

Declutter and Plank Challenge Day 16

Well I'm over the hump! I can't believe I've made it more than halfway through the challenge. It's been tough so far and I know it will only get tougher but I know if I keep the right mind I will conquer these challenges.


Item(s): A dress that I got with work in mind

Why I'm getting rid of them: I just don't wear dresses enough to work and I found this was one I wore the least amount.
Where is it going: Donation pile!


How I felt: I did better than I thought I would today. I actually made it the full 2 minutes with 2-3 breaks of 2-3 seconds each (basically giving a quick rest to my abs by sticking my butt up really quickly and getting right back into form).
Goal for tomorrow: Make it to 2 minutes with less breaks (and hopefully none).

For everyone who is doing the plank challenge with me, how are you doing? Are you pushing yourself to the max? Have you made it to the allotted time every day? If not, keep pushing yourself and you will get there eventually!

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