Hi all! It's been a minute since I last blogged. Since I really stopped posting in 2015, our time has consisted of buying our first home, selling our first home, and buying a much larger home! We have had countless camping trips along with several vacations to Tahoe and other locations throughout the US to visit our friends and family.
Covid has hit many people quite hard, and a few things that I have taken away from the last year and a half have been improving my relationship with God and starting to understand the corruption in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Historically speaking, I have always gone along with what my doctor has recommended, but seeing what I have in the last year+, I am starting to question everything and everyone. This is requiring me to spend lots of time doing my own research and making the decisions that I feel is best for me and my family. With the birth of our first child on the way, I wanted a way to document all of the things I have been researching along with the articles and scientific papers I'm reading along the way since I have such a bad memory.
There is SO MUCH information out there it's hard to keep track of and I want to research about a million things but as a full time employee, it gets to be a little hard. Things might be a little disorganized for awhile but I plan to update posts as I learn things to help others with the research.
A few things I have been looking into include the following:
- Fluoride
- Graphene Oxide
- Lead
- Toxic Ingredients in Sunscreen
- Effects of different ingredients in vaccines
- I have started with the first vaccines given at birth which would be Vitamin K and Hep B.
- Household and beauty items that have natural ingredients but still are effective in disinfecting/actually serving it's purpose as a product
- Metals in the body and detoxing
I love seeing and reading counter studies to what I may be posting as well as there is almost always going to be a second opinion of something. That's what makes this country so great, our freedom to get lots of opinions and not be forced into something we do not feel is right for our families. Anyways, I'm rambling on but hopefully I can get my first research post up soon!
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