Monday, June 23, 2014

My First Half Marathon

Yesterday I successfully ran my first half marathon! I've been training for it since the end of March and every week was a new challenge since I did one "long run" each week. I had no reason to do it other then I wanted to challenge myself. I can say that it was definitely a challenge.

During training I missed 2 weeks of long runs because of a back injury, followed immediately by being sick. It put me behind where I was hoping to be but I knew I'd be able to finish the race regardless. My nerves ran high before the race but once it started I felt great. I kept a nice pace thanks to the provided pacers but started to fall back before the halfway point. I continued at my own pace with some walking here and there (along with a stop for a quick stretch) and was ecstatic when I realized I was almost finished.

As I crossed the finish line, Branden was there waiting for me and cheering me on. I am so thankful that I had his support throughout the training process. I am proud of myself for accomplishing a half marathon but I know I can do better next time! Here are a few pictures from the event :-)

Arrived at the start location and ready to run!
 Starting line
I'm so close to the finish line! Only a couple more yards!
 I can see it!
 Finished with my cup of wine and champagne glass!
 Thanks to my amazing husband for all the support!
 We had to walk another mile home but we made it!